It is a form of dentistry that treats a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries, birth defects around the face, head and neck. Most common oral and maxillofacial services include extraction (moderate to difficult, including wisdom teeth), reconstructive dental oral surgery and placing dental implants.

Prosthetic dentistry means the replacement of tooth structures on damaged teeth, missing teeth and soft tissues with dental crowns, bridges, partial and total dentures. A well developed team is specialized in placing dental implants and its supporting prosthetic structures.

In orthodontics we prevent, improve and eliminate dental and jaw relation anomalies with mobile, functional and fixed orthodontic appliances.

Welcome to Ars Medica
Daily hospital is opened from Monday to Friday from 09:oo till 18:00. As soon as possible we will make the appointments for you. If you have any emergencies, pain, dental pain, we will try to help and treat you a soon as possible. We always try to be as accurate as we can, but in our centre sometimes we might have delays because of the emergency cases, we are always trying to minimize these unpredictable situations.
The consultations are every working day from 15:00 till 16:00. The first contact with our Center starts with consultation. Than you will be notified with your health and oral situations, diagnose, options of your treatment, prognoses, and possible complications. After this procedure, with your agreement, you will have your appointment. During the consultation and before the intervention, you must inform our health personnel about your medical and dental history, medications that you are using, possible allergies, any surgical treatment in a past.

Healthy smiles for everyone
For further information or to book an appointment please…